Last night I got to see "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and I LOVED IT!! Ok, I get it I am a Star Wars fan...I'm not a fanatic and I don't know everything but I have seen all the films and multiple times. Here is why I really liked "Solo" - I liked it because it was a fun adventure! Great jokes, lots of action and lovable characters. We also get to find out how Han and Chewbacca become friends/partners!
Donald Glover really did a great job playing a younger Lando and despite earlier reports that Alden needed "acting lessons", he is AWESOME! Also don't ALL actors take acting lessons?! It's just a way of practicing your craft.
I will for sure see it again! But there was one thing I didn't like...find out what I didn't like below...
Ok the only thing I didn't like is that it felt a little long. Now part of that could be because I wake up so early and it's hard for me to stay up late. But ya it's 2 hours and 23 minutes!!