The photo above was taken about three years ago during a fashion show - but just a couple months ago 1800SadGal tweeted this out...
1800SadGal is so right - that's what it does look like! Well the tweet and photo went Viral especially after Lupita responded to the tweet!
ANDDDDDDD so did RiRi!!!
I'm sure when they said that they didn't really think anything would come of it...but the internet is a powerful thing! Netflix has announced that they're working on a movie starring Rihanna and Lupita based on that one tweet! And on top of that apparently Issa Rae from "Insecure" is going to be writing the script for the film!
I really hope 1800Sadgal will get her name in the credits - this is all thanks to her!! Ohhh maybe she can have a small cameo in the film, that would be amazing! Excuse me while I go look at more celebrity photos and come up with crazy movie concepts, maybe my movie will get made next!